
Ghanaian Summer

When it's very hot you just feel like doing nothing. Even moving around makes you sweat. The heat drains your energy and, no matter how much sleep you've had or what you are trying to do, it always happens. And that was the case again today.

I guess it was nice to have a break from the madness of last week. All the travelling can really take it out of you as well. I have been in this country for a week now and my perspectives on life have massively broadened.

I always had a sense of how unappreciative people in developed countries carelessly take what they have for granted, whether it's running water, electricity or any other convenience. That's exactly what people think: these things are only conveniences, always there and in no danger of failing. My view has always been that they are not conveniences, but luxuries. Luxuries which people do not realise how lucky they are to have. Coming to Ghana has done a lot to reinforce that opinion.

'I guess you've never experienced an African blackout,' said Kwame's brother (also called Kwame). He was right. Thankfully power returned within a few minutes, but this example really illustrated the point for me.

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