
UN week two

Compared to last week this has been like a walk in the park! No hectic agenda, no rushing around from meeting to meeting and no planning for side events. It's a relief in one sense but also slightly anticlimactic after everything that happened last week and the resultant chaotic lifestyle. My activities haven't really merited daily updates either, so I've just summed them up with this entry...

I've been filming for a documentary I will produce on the WPAY+10 review process and the role youth delegates played in it. This has involved interviewing those of us still left in NY and getting footage of the city and the UN as well. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything together within a few weeks of returning home.

Weather-wise, things have become absolutely terrible over the last few days! It's changed so quickly from the charming sunshine of last week to vicious wind and pounding rain. Reminds me of being back at home in London! There have been a few days of non-stop downpour and it can get quite depressing at times - especially when I think about being inside all of last week and now having time to actually be out but the weather meaning I don't want to go! Right now, as I write this, I can hear rain outside at levels close to a tropical storm.

We (the youth delegates still here) have been trying to meet on a daily basis for lunch and that's a good thing. It's important to stay organised and in many ways, since there's now a smaller group, that has been easier. Unfortunately, for reasons we don't understand, the chances of meeting Kofi Annan next week have now evaporated. Pretty disappointing since we were hopeful of getting the chance to actually meet the Secretary General properly - rather than for a swift photo engagement.

There will be another issue of 'a yoUNg view', the official youth reps' newsletter which I have been organising and editing. We had a meeting this evening in the Affina 50 hotel and decided who's going to do what. Hopefully it will all be sorted out in time to be released for distribution early next week.

I've also taken the spontaneous step to extend my time away from home once again, after already staying in New York after the other two UK youth delegates departed. On Friday or Saturday I will leave for Montréal, Canada to visit a friend I met in Germany last summer. It's a great chance to see another country and one I couldn't resist!

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